Antaryogam or Spiritual Retreat
“Whatever may be a householder’s profession, it is necessary for him to live in the company of holy men now and then. … First of all, the company of holy men; then shraddha, faith in God. … it is necessary to seek the company of holy men, practice prayer, and listen to the instruction of the guru. These purify the mind.”
– Sri Ramakrishna
Antaryogam or Spiritual retreat is conducted every month on the second Sunday from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. This helps one have introspection of oneself and the deep contemplation about the impermanence of the world. Such retreats give an opportunity to live in the holy company of monks, hear them give talks on varied spiritual topics, sing the glory of God, meditate — in short, live a spiritual life in holy company. The program includes Vishnu Sahasranama parayanam, Bhajans, Guided Meditation, lecture, Sri Ramakrishna Ashtottara Archana and Arati.
Antaryogam Program Schedule As fallows
Antaryogam Program Schedule as fallows